So we had 10 hours left upon completion of our volunteering activities at IQ70+, and we had decided to volunteer in Zombie Escape, a charity explorace which is organised by the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology (FSKTM), University of Malaya, to raise funds for the Haemophilia Society of Malaysia, in conjunction with the World Haemophilia Day.
It is estimated that 3000 Malaysians suffer from Hemophilia. That is one in every 10,000 Malaysians. Unfortunately, the number of the diagnosed patients is just 1000 (roughly 34%). 66% of hemophiliacs aren’t aware of it. That’s just not okay, and we can’t live with it. Hence there were a total of 100 first year Computer Science and IT students organising the World Hemophilia Day 2016 in UM. World Hemophilia Day charity event by Computer Science and IT students of University Malaya, in collaboration with Hemophilia Society of Malaysia. It aims to raise the public awareness for Hemophilia.
World Hemophilia Day:
Hemophilia Society of Malaysia:
We were so excited and felt proud to be part of this mission, because we volunteered to become Zombies to hinder the participants away by scaring them out during their games!
World Haemophilia Day: Zombie Escape - Volunteering as Zombies
Prior to the actual event day, we were summoned for a rehearsal a.k.a. zombie make-up learning.
We learned to create disgusting fake wounds and ways to zombiefy ourselves. Beholddddddd my bloody disgusting fake wound haha. Blood clots. Eww.
Source: My Snapchat haha
This was somebody else's hand. Wound-in-the-making.
So this morning we woke up very early in the morning because we were supposed to be at FSKTM at 6am to apply the make up on ourselves. The game would kickstart at 8.30am so we had around 2 hours for the preparations.
Our three musketeers turned into zombies haha. You could also notice the other people getting themselves ready as Zombies. There were 66 zombies in total, no kidding.
In fact the wounds were made with tissue paper, and the blood from corn starch and colourings. It was kinda cool and disgusting at the same time. It didn't appear to me as horrifying, and I doubted if we would be able to freak the participants out at all before the game started.
Them three musketeers of Enlighteners enjoying their breakfast. LOL I thought you guys eat brains?
We were provided with Massimo buns, Chipsmore, Dutch Lady UHT Milk and Soya Milks as breakfast. Well, I nearly lost my appetite for the breakfast having a bunch of Zombies hanging around in front of me.
Part of the group photo before the game!
We were then sent to the assigned stations, there were four stations in total for the game. There were cars to send us to the respective locations so that we won't die in the sunlight. Just kidding, 1. we were technically already dead; 2. it was just because the destinations were too far away/we were supposed to be hidden from the participants before they reach our actual station.
So here's a photo from station One. The zombies blocking the way out of the participants. Runnnnn Survivors!!
Don't let the Zombies out!
Zati, Anis, Jia Lin and me were assigned to Station Two.
A Survivor (white skeleton shirt) trying to pass through the maze with us Zombies disturbing by the side.
We tried our best to be a Zombie. Watch your way out! Zombies are creeping in!
They were freaked out. I thought I did not look much like a Zombie compared to the others but the participants edged away whenever I went near them hahahahaha! Everything was in manner, we did not push or pull so that the participants would not be injured because of us.
Station Three Tower of Hanoi!
Participants taking a photo with us. How brave.
It was called a day then at around 11am. This marks the end of our Social Engagement project!
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